Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Exchange Basket Received: Sue Cowell to Earl Eyre!

Well, we have been waiting for this one awhile. Earl is traveling cross country in his RV, and has a unique mail forwarding he FINALLY received his basket. Poor Sue has been anxiously awaiting this moment! It was worth the wait!

Earl says:

"I just got the most beautiful basket from Sue Cowell. When you view the picture you will see how it is made asymmetrical by leaning more and more to one side as it goes up. The pine needles are dyed red and coiled with artificial sinew (I presume--that's what it looks like). She has used very thin pieces of sinew and then pierced and split it with every stitch. It would take a lot of patience to split that fine of pieces. She has also left the caps on the needles so they are exposed on the outside. It is beautiful and will sit proudly on the table in our RV. Space is at a premium so not many things get displayed and that will be one of the few."

Nice job, Sue! Lovely basket.

If you are interested in seeing ALL the exchange baskets, next to each other, remember to check the Pine Needle Group Photos for the Asymmetrical Exchange Folder. You do have to be a member of the Yahoo email Group to access this folder. At the end of the exchange, we will vote for our favorite basket, and the winner will get a prize!


Midnightcoiler said...

This is a lovely basket! Pretty color and nice shape!

Waterrose said...

wow that is beautiful...looks like a pouring vessel.