Saturday, August 21, 2010

Exchange Basket Received: Donna in WA to Karen Thaler.

Here is the latest, Donna in WA to Karen Thaler!

"Received my basket today. Wow, Wow and Wow. The base of the main part is made from the biggest oyster shell I have ever seen. The base is turned upside down and fits onto a piece of driftwood. A little basket filled with miniature shells, sits in sand within the oyster shell, with a "Shells 4 Sale" sign. To top it off Donna has included a note on a card that is a copy of a painting she did. The painting is titled "Cold drinks on a hot beach". This treasure is sitting in the center of my dinning table. Thank you Donna."

Donna told me more about the basket: "When I was little, teachers got us to practice tongue twisters. One of my favorites went something like this: She sells sea shells by the sea shore. So, that's what I used for my Summertime theme. I coiled around a shell. Some pine needles were wrapped with light brown binder and some were wrapped with a darker brown binder. The light brown represents the dry sand and the darker brown represents the sand closer to the water. I used 3 different blues for the water and died the pine needles accordingly. The white binder represents the breakers and other foamy water that can be encountered by the sea.

The little basket is filled with sea shells. I filled the big shell with sand that is more likely to be found on the beaches of the Pacific Northwest. I put the little basket of shells in the sand. The sign is made with a small piece of watercolor paper attached to a small piece of driftwood. I hand painted the sign. I used "4" instead of "for" because I am thinking that the girl who is selling the shells is a techie who rarely travels far without her iPhone. She sends text messages more often than not. Therefor "for" naturally would be "4" in her world. "

Lovely job! I love the story that goes with it, and all the layers representing the sea.

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