Here's what Ruth Anne said about her fabulous creations: (remember, you can click on any of these images to get a closer peek!)
"I love using your basses because what I put in the bottom of the basket often is the inspiration for the basket itself. I set on my couch every morning and have my oatmeal then pick up my basket to coil. I then go thru my supplies for inspiration by sorting thru my stash of your basses.

When one picks me I then back it with contact cork both to protect the pottery and what it is placed on. I then sew thru both the cork and the pottery. I have found the customer really like this.

Thanks for making the basses available to us.
Ruth Anne Danger
Zephyrhills Fl
i just love them both! Your stitching and wrapped rows are gorgeous, Ruth! Thanks for continuing to share your talents & creations with us!
Hi Ruth...I was sent here by Pam Caskey to look at the jewelry she said you made but don't see any..very nice baskets though. I have been making the pine needle baskets for about 6 months and just wanted to check out if jewelry would fit into the pine needle weaving...if you have your jewelry in another place maybe you could let me know about where to view it. Thanks Jerome Waldron
Ruth, I will be living in Zephyrhills, FL this winter and am interested in taking a Pine Needle weaving class. Are you offering any? If not could you recommend a place?
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